Yesterday was Oreo's 2nd Birthday ! And it snowed also, so the kids of course were out of school. It was a real treat for everyone. We have had Oreo for 7 months and the kids are still just as crazy about her as they were on Day 1. She got a new coat for her birthday which made the snow day even more appropriate, along with her gift! Then today, I lost Oreo ! It was absolutely terrible! She cannot be trusted without her leash. She loves to run and run and run away from us. She loves freedom more than us! I was having trouble with the garage door closing and I didn't shut the inside door and she bolted outside to enjoy the snow again. All I could think about was how sad Blake and Rachel would be after being so happy yesterday, if I lost Oreo for good. So I went inside to get treats, because women can always be persuaded with food, and put on my snow boots and started my search for a semi-white dog in the white snow. Happily I found her and lured her back to me with treats and got her back in the house. The kids will never know !! Whew......
Reflections on Christmas
It's late on Christmas Eve--I'm bundled up in my new robe with ice on my
ankle. I sprained it today and am in a ton of pain! Complaints aside, I am
so exc...
13 years ago